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Don't Let Satan Sock You Around

Yesterday, the handle to my sock drawer broke off. Without it, I couldn’t get to my socks. Until yesterday, I had no idea how important that little handle was. A day without socks convinced me, however, to never take that handle for granted again.

Standing in the shadow of the cross, Jesus said: “The prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me.” (John 14:30 NIV) Satan had no handle to get to our Savior with, nothing to get a hold of and sling Him around by. Thus, Satan was incapable of preventing Christ from fulfilling the plans and purposes of God the Father.

This leads to an important question: What’s your handle? What is it in your life that Satan can use to get to you? What is it that enables “the prince of this world” to grab a hold of you and throw you around? Whatever it is, it is being used by the devil to prevent you from fulfilling God’s will for your life.

Satan’s handles on your life, like the handle on my sock drawer, may have always been taken for granted by you. You may have never realized how spiritually detrimental all of those little handles are. It’s high time that you did, however. Furthermore, it’s high time that you broke them off. Until you do, Satan will continue to sock you around and keep you from fulfilling God’s will for your life.

Don Walton