Introduction: The book of 2 Chronicles and the book of 1 Chronicles originally comprised a single volume, which was entitled, “Things That Matter.” The title comes from the fact that the divinely inspired Hebrew Chronicler compiled material in Chronicles that mattered, but was not previously recorded in detail in either Samuel or Kings.
The book of 2 Chronicles begins with the reign of Solomon and his building of the temple in Jerusalem. Afterward, it records the reigns of Solomon’s successors, concluding with the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple by the Babylonians in 586 BC.
2 Chronicles 5:1-9 — Although Solomon changed most things from the tabernacle to the temple, making them more extensive or extravagant, he left the Ark, which represented the presence of God, unchanged, for the divine presence is immutable, ideal, and not in any way improvable.
Just as the church, the body of Christ, is a corpse without the Spirit, the temple, the house of God, without the Ark of God, the Shekinah, was a tomb.
2 Chronicles 14:11 — Impotent men can prevail over insurmountable odds by wielding the powerful weapon of prayer to an omnipotent God.
Prayer: The world's most powerful wireless connection!
2 Chronicles 16:12-13 — To trust your healthcare exclusively to human physicians, to the exclusion of the Great Physician, is not just a foolish mistake, but may prove to be a fatal one.
“God heals, and the doctor takes the fees.” (Benjamin Franklin)
2 Chronicles 17:3-5 — The fact that godless leaders, not godly ones, are enriched and exalted by the populace of our land, proves our land is neither godly nor populated by a plurality of God’s people.
In yesterday's America, most of today's politicians would have been incarcerated or institutionalized rather than inaugurated.
2 Chronicles 20:5-6 — Heaven’s throne is occupied by One who never wrings His hands in worry, raises them in surrender, nor twiddles His thumbs in idleness.
No power in Heaven, on earth, nor under the earth can prevent God’s preordained plans and purposes from coming to pass.
2 Chronicles 20:12 — When you feel your opposition is overwhelming and yourself overwrought, not knowing what to do, you can quickly overcome by gazing upon your all-knowing and all-powerful God.
By focusing on God we transform our formidable foes and confounding crises into negligible opposition and navigable obstacles.
2 Chronicles 20:15 — Assurance of victory and invulnerability to fear and discouragement is found in the conviction that God not only fights your battles, but also has your back.
To get to God’s people, all enemies must first get through God!
2 Chronicles 34:4 — The scraps of idols will been strewn upon the graves of idolaters.
What worse fate could befall a man than to be interred with his idols?