Introduction: The Gospel of Mark, which is believed to be the earliest of the four Gospels, was written by John Mark, who is believed to have used the Apostle Peter as his primary source. Although Peter may have been his primary source, the Holy Spirit provided him with the divine inspiration to pen his narrative of the life of Christ as the Savior of the world.
Mark 1:9-11 — Customarily, the baptized remained in the water to confess their sins after being baptized by John the Baptist, but Jesus came up "straightway" out of the water, since He, as the avouching voice from Heaven affirmed, had no sins to confess.
Since it is only Christ with whom God has ever been "well pleased," our only hope of ever being pleasing to God or accepted by God is in Christ. (Ephesians 1:6)
Mark 1:15 — To be rightly informed in this day of disinformation requires us to repent of our reliance on the media’s “fake news,” and to turn in total trust to the Master’s good news!
Mark 1:16-18 — Christ did not commission His disciples to clean up the pond, but only to fish in it. (Matthew 4:18-20)
When the church minors on the major—preaching the Gospel—and majors on the minor—political activism—it makes itself ineffectual.
Mark 2:1-12 — It takes the undeterred faith of the saints to get unforgiven sinners to the Savior for their salvation.
To what lengths are you willing to go to get your family and friends to the Lord?
Mark 2:1-12 — If faith can’t get others to Christ by ordinary means, it will resort to extraordinary ones, so that men will know that the Son of Man has power to forgive all of our sins and to heal all of our diseases.
Mark 2:5-12 — The scribes fittingly interpreted the written Word of God, that no one but God could forgive sins, but failed to identify the Living Word of God, that the sin forgiving Jesus was God.
Although Jesus amazed people by proving He had the power to forgive sinners by healing the sick, it was, and always has been, His forgiveness of our sins that we should find most amazing!
Mark 2:23-28 — Whereas the Redeemer is sincerely concerned about man's needs being met, the religionist is solely concerned about man's obedience to his religious rules and observance of his religious rituals.
The Lord of the Sabbath did not create man to be heedful of the Sabbath, but created the Sabbath to be helpful to man.
Mark 3:13-19 — Christ's disciples are called to come to Him, chosen to be with Him, and commissioned to go for Him. It is only after we’ve been in His presence that we can go for Him in His power.
Mark 3:24 — An America divided against itself cannot stand. Uncle Sam is being knocked off his feet, not by foes without, but by infighting within.
Mark 4:37-41 — All it takes to calm our soul on the stormy seas of life is for Christ, who commands the storms and the seas, to stand up in our hearts and say, “Peace be still.”
It was not the raging sea, the howling wind, the crashing thunder, or the flashing lightening that awakened and aroused Christ, but the distressed cries of His frightened disciples, who, because of their fearfulness and faithlessness, were rebuked by Christ along with the wind.
Mark 6:1-6 — Our objections to honoring and believing in Christ serve as obstacles to His omnipotence, since they obstruct His mighty and miraculous operations among us and on our behalf.
Familiarity often dulls the cutting edge of things. As the old sailor may fail to hear any majesty in old ocean’s roar or the Swiss peasant may fail to see any grandeur on those snow-clad peaks, a prophet may be without honor in his own home.
Mark 6:35-44 — When the blessing of God is on our paltry five loafs they will prove more than enough to feed five thousand. Under the blessing of Christ, our nowhere near enough, becomes miraculously more than enough.
Mark 7:1-13 — Many a human tradition sets aside divine truth, portraying man’s disobedience to God as religious devotion.
Mark 7:6-9 — If we honor God with our lips, but not with our lives, if we teach man’s creeds as God’s commandments, and if we lay aside divine truths for human traditions, our worship of God is worthless to God.
"Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ within us." (A. W. Tozer)
Mark 7:27-30 — Contrary to the “name it claim it” and “blab it grab it” preaching of today’s positive confession preachers, great faith is not haughty, presuming to have a chair at the Master’s table, but humble, pleading for the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table!
Mark 7:27-30 — Great faith is neither pompous nor presumptuous, but prostrating and pleading, knowing it is devoid of goodness and merit, and totally dependent upon grace and mercy!
Mark 8:22-25 — Those satisfied with the initial touch of the Savior and unwilling to receive successive ones may have spiritually blurred vision. For instance, they may be incapable of clearly seeing people for the trees.
Mark 8:22-26 —The blindness of unrepentance is hardest to heal, for the unrepentant are blind to the works of Christ and have a blurry image of man, seeing him as innately good rather than sinful and therefore in need of neither repentance nor redemption. (Matthew 11:21; Luke 10:13)
Mark 8:34-35 — To come to Christ you must take up the cross, for there is no such thing as a crossless Christian nor costless Christianity.
You must relinquish your earthly life to Christ to receive eternal life from Christ.
Mark 8:35 — It is self-destruction to choose self-preservation over the preservation of Christ’s Gospel. If we, as individual Christians or Christian institutions, fail to hand off a pure Gospel to our posterity, the world's only hope of salvation will be lost to the next generation.
As many a dead and dying church proves, compromising Christ’s Gospel for the sake of their survival is suicidal. The true church, on the other hand, will fight to the death to defend the Christian faith and to preserve Christ’s Gospel.
Mark 8:36-37 — To gain possession of the whole temporal world, at the forfeiture of your immortal soul, is to eternally bankrupt yourself. (Matthew 16:26)
Mark 9:1 — Jesus here predicts the coming Day of Pentecost, when the Kingdom of God would inhabit the people of God in the person and power of the indwelling Spirit of God. (Luke 17:21; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4)
Christ's prediction of the kingdom of God coming with power was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost, when the promised Holy Spirit came in power for the church's inception and the Christian's indwelling.
Mark 9:22-24 — The question is never, “Can Jesus do it?” The question is always, “Can you believe it?” Furthermore, to believe it, you must often pray for Jesus to help you overcome your unbelief!
Mark 9:33-40 — To take no joy in, but to be jealous of, the miraculous ministry of our brethren, is to prove ourselves more concerned with our greatness than God’s glory.
To be as happy to see God's miraculous use of another as to be miraculously used by God yourself is validation that vainglory has been vanquished from your heart.
Mark 9:38-40 — Those who fight against the cause of Christ are not the friends, but the foes, of all Christians.
Others don't have to be your clone or a member of your church to work miracles in Christ's name.
Mark 9:40 — Neutrality is an impossibility when it comes to Christianity. You are either a saint or an ain't. You're either amicable or adversarial, a friend or a foe.
When it comes to Jesus Christ, you are either all-out against Him or altogether for Him. Your only alternatives are all or nothing.
Mark 10:18 — There is no good but God and apart from God there is no good! Therefore, if God isn't in you, there's nothing good about you.
Mark 10:28-30 — The Christian must forsake all to find his or her all in Christ!
Mark 10:35-40 — Many a prayer would never be prayed if we knew the cup we'd have to drink from because of the thing we've prayed for. Great privilege comes at great price, and while many are ready to pray for it, most are reluctant to pay for it.
Mark 10:46-52 — When Christ calls us to Himself in response to our crying out to Him in life's most difficult circumstances, we can stand up under them, take courage in them, and expect Christ to deliver us from them.
Mark 10:46-52 — Those who plead for Christ’s mercy will be called to Him and healed by Him of their blindness so that afterward they can see clearly to follow Him.
Mark 11:1-11 — Jerusalem expected their Messiah to be a military Conqueror riding on a charger, not a meek Savior riding on a colt; therefore, its cries of "Hosanna" on Sunday quickly turned to shouts of "Crucify Him" by Friday. (Mark 15:12-15)
Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 — The curse of barrenness is the consequence of the sin of barrenness. To escape it requires more than foliage; it requires fruitfulness. To escape Christ’s curse and to ensure ourselves of His blessing requires more than buds and blossoms.
Mark 11:15-17 — Christ cleansed the temple twice, once at the beginning of His ministry and again at the end, proving that the purity of His house means more to Him than its popularity! (Matthew 21:12-13; Luke 19:45-46; John 2:13-17)
Mark 11:17 — Christ did not say that His house would be a house of sermons, singing, and socializing, but a house of prayer. Unfortunately, the contemporary church has no shortage of sermons, songs, and socials, but a serious scarcity of prayer. (Matthew 21:13; Luke 19:46)
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere." (Leonard Ravenhill)
Mark 11:22-23 — Faith’s greatest opportunities are in the face of life’s greatest obstacles. Notice, Jesus said faith in God moves mountains, not molehills.
Mark 11:24 — True faith is an affirmation of the fact of God! It is not believing that God may, or will, or even can, but that God already has.
Mark 12:17 — It is to Christ, not Caesar, to whom Christians should render their unquestioning confidence and unwavering commitment. To depend upon and devote yourself to government rather than God is to confuse Caesar with Christ and to offer government what you owe to God alone.
Mark 12:24 — All error comes from not knowing the Scripture nor the Spirit—"the power of God." It's right if Scripture commands it and the Spirit compels us. It's wrong if Scripture condemns it and the Spirit convicts us. (Matthew 22:29)
Mark 12:41-44 — The true worth of our offering to God is not how much we give, but how much we have leftover afterward.
Mark 13:31 — In a fallen world in constant flux, a world of uncertainties, filled with chaos and confusion, a world within which lies are so rampant that one is at a loss as to what to believe, there is one certain thing, upon which one may always rest assured, the truth of God’s Word!
Mark 14:1-9 — The ministry that magnifies the Master is always centered on Jesus and criticized by all Judases. Furthermore, It always results in an irrepressible testimony that will prove immemorial! (John 12:1-8)
Mark 14:3-9 — Christian imposters are always indignant when the exorbitant is extravagantly lavished upon our Lord. They, unlike the true worshippers of Christ, don’t understand His inestimable worth or the impossibility of anything being wasted on Him.
Mark 14:8 — God’s expectations of us never exceed our God-given opportunities and abilities. He expects us to do what we can. Nothing more is expected; nothing less is acceptable.
Mark 14:32-36 — In the Garden of Gethsemane, the question was forever settle as to whether or not we have any other hope of salvation apart from Christ's submission to the dark hour when He died on the cross and drank dry the cup of God’s wrath for the sins of the whole world.
Contrary to popular opinion, it was not the physical pain and suffering of the cross, but the fact that He was about to become the sin of the whole world and to suffer the full brunt of God’s wrath for all the sins of all time that caused Christ to sweat blood and shrink back from Golgotha in the Garden of Gethsemane!
Mark 14:51-52 — To hastily follow Christ dressed for bed rather than to heedfully follow Christ dressed for battle is to risk both public exposure and embarrassment.
Mark 15:15 — In order “to content the people” Pilate crucified Christ and by doing so condemned himself. Are you being coerced by the crowd into your own condemnation?
Mark 15:15 — Are you willing to forfeit your immortal soul by condemning Christ and all things Christian in order to curry favor with today’s politically correct crowd?
Mark 15:15 — Does public opinion dictate to you your personal opinion of Christ?
Mark 15:15 — Are you more concerned with fitting in with the crowd than you are with the fate of your immortal soul?
Mark 15:15 — Is appeasing the crowd more important to you than your acceptance of Christ and Christ’s acceptance of you?
Mark 15:43-46 — No property was ever lent for a more exceptional purpose nor vacated in a more extraordinary way than the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea.
Christ was born in a borrowed stable and Christianity was born in a borrowed sepulcher.
Mark 16:4 — The stone was not rolled away so that the resurrected Christ could vacate an occupied tomb, but so that others could view an empty one.
Mark 16:19-20 — As Christians, we are assured success by the risen and ascended Christ, who intercedes for us and works with us. (Romans 8:34)
How can we possibly not prevail with Christ always praying for us, His accompanying presence abiding with us, and His almighty power available to us?