Introduction: The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles were originally comprised in a single volume, which was entitled, “Things That Matter.” The title comes from the fact that the divinely inspired Hebrew Chronicler compiled material in Chronicles that mattered, but was not previously recorded in detail in either the book of Samuel or the book of Kings.
The book of 1 Chronicles is a divinely inspired chronicling of the reign of Israel's great King David.
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 — Amidst a long list of unapplauded names, which exit as swiftly as they enter upon the stage of Scripture, divine inspiration pauses to give a standing ovation to one, a man named Jabez, simply because he prayed.
If Christ’s church is to be distinguished as “a house of prayer,” Christians must distinguish themselves as a praying people. (Matthew 21:13)
1 Chronicles 9:19 — All recipients of God’s sovereign and amazing grace, like the spared sons of the sinful gainsayer Korah, should serve as doorkeepers to the house of God.
What a testimony it is to the grace of God for saved sinners, like the sons of Korah, to serve as the gatekeepers to the house of God.
1 Chronicles 9:33 — The singing of praise is a full-time work of love for God’s exaltation. It is not a church time performance for man’s entertainment.
There are far too many warblers in the contemporary church who sing to entertain the congregation and far too few worshipers who sing to exalt Christ!
1 Chronicles 17:16 — Sacred sittings turn prayer closets into palaces, but the spurning of such solitude is a sure sign of one’s apprehensiveness over having divine audiences.
It is a prerequisite to prayer to preliminarily pass through the portal into God’s presence.